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[cobalt-security] RaQ security - htaccess

--- Description ---

"Prior to this update, use of .htaccess and .htpasswd files did not work
correctly due to limited default access in webserver configuration file."

--- Scope ---

RaQ1 - Uneffected.
RaQ2 - Uneffected.
RaQ3 - Uneffected.
RaQ4 - Effected, scoop of problem is unclear.

--- Downloads ---

RaQ4 -

2325 bytes.  md5sum 7575c7385037b28a385fbab4cdeb9304

--- Upgrading ---

See http://owned.lab6.com/~gossi/RaQ-security/guides/upgrades.txt if
unsure about upgrading with Cobalt .pkg files.

email gossi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx