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RE: [cobalt-security] Easy Question

Another way in is via the serial port, but I have had NO luck with that
whatsoever. I couldn't get a terminal session running no matter what the
heck I tried...changing port speeds...nothing worked.
Sorry, I should have read you post with more care, I do apologize.

As an aside, if anyone has a definitive way to make the damn "cereal
port" access method actually work, I'd like to know. I fought with that
thing for weeks and couldn't get any results.

It works for us just fine. We have a standard DB9-DB9 serial cable hooked up to a laptop with a DB9 serial port. Just make sure your HyperTerminal (or any other terminal client) set to 9600bps (for a RaQ1/2) or 19,200bps (for RaQ3/4). with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and No parity bits (standard 8/N/1 configuration).
Bob Griffor - bgriffor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Network Operations Center Analyst
Interliant (Fomerly Sage Networks)
"Building Global Communities"