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[cobalt-security] 554 5.0.0 MX list for niccicam.com. points back to cob184.netlimited.net

I've having a problem with mail on my RaQ4i and have found *NO* information
on the Cobalt KnowledgeBase. :( Basically I'm getting the following messages
bounced back for anything and everything:

The original message was received at Tue, 12 Dec 2000 07:42:21 -0800
from niccicamcom@localhost

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
554 5.0.0 MX list for niccicam.com. points back to cob184.netlimited.net
554 5.3.5 majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Local configuration error

I did find the suggestion below,... but I do not seem to have the
/usr/lib/sendmail-cf/redhat.mc file on my machine.

I have however found /usr/lib/sendmail-cf/cf/cobalt.mc which is the closest
guess I can find. Does anybody know if this fix should still work on my RaQ
4i and if this is the relevent file to edit? Any help would be greatly

Thanks in advance

> I had this same problem on my Raq3(I have no idea if it is the same for a
> Raq/2/4) and tried so many things, but I finally found what the roblem was
> thanks to one of the people who actually writes sendmail and was nice
> to help me out.  Set up your DNS like it says in the Raq manual.
> Here is hwat you do
> - change directories to: /usr/lib/sendmail-cf
> - use pico to edit 'redhat.mc'  (command line type "pico redhat.mc")  make
> backup copy first, though
> - there are probably several instances of "divert(0)" in the file, comment
> them ALL out, to comment them out, you just place # sign in front of each
> one
> - at the top of the file, add in a new line, "divert(-1)".  If there are
> already some "divert(-1)" somewhere else in the file, comment them out
> a # also, you only want the one at the top of the file.
> - save the file (hit ctrl-X and follow prompts)
> - reboot the Raq and it should work just fine
> Jon