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RE: [cobalt-security] Nmap command


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Linking Internet - Peter Batenburg [mailto:peter@xxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 03 January 2001 17:31

> I tried the nmap -sS command on a RaQ 4i with 128mbram and 
> 20gb harddisk and a RaQ 3 with 32mbram and 10,2gb harddisk
> and absolutely noting happend. 
> The portscan went great, and ive got a nice open ports list. 
> So i can't seem te see the problem here.

Just to confirm that myself and a couple of colleagues have been unable to
reproduce this problem, so I would expect this is related to a particular
configuration or service rather than all RaQ3's.

> At 09:38 3-1-2001 +0800, you wrote:
> >Sun-Cobalt only provide support to the first 30-day of purchase, so 
> >pointless to post them email.

This problem doesn't look unique to you Siao considering other posts to this
mailing list.  It *might* be worth emailing Cobalt and volunteering to send
them configuration details so they can try to pin down the problem, and
assist you and others in the process.  This is just a best guess, I'm not
speaking on behalf of Cobalt.


And, of course, this is a personal statement, not an official statement of
Demon@Thus, so I'm not speaking on behalf of my employer either.  So if it
turns out to be something obvious you know who to complain to ;)

Nick Drage - Security Architecture - Demon Internet - Thus PLC
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