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Re: [cobalt-security] Posting habits.

> I really find this topic interesting. To use your analogy, when I read a 
> book, after I read 20 pages, I put in a bookmark, and start from there. I 
> don't re-read the previous pages.  Bottom posting, I think, helps if you're 
> not following the thread. If you are, you have to scroll through a bunch of 
> stuff you already read to find the new reply. Seems a waste.  And if you 
> are new to the thread, is it not your responsibility to catch up? Or at 
> least to ask for a catch up? So everybody understands, I am not just trying 
> to bust chops. I write a fair amount of documentation and classes for 
> computers and scuba diving. The computer classes and documentation are both 
> for business and high school, and I am always interested in how people 
> process information. Thanks.
> Doug

Proper posting etiquette (even though I broke them in my previous post)
would dictate that only the previous comment be quoted -- so an entire
thread isn't quoted each time, and it gives relevance to what is being said.
I personally find it much easier when postings are done like this.

It's more like re-reading the previous paragraph, so you can re-gain your
grip and understanding in the novel.