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RE: [cobalt-security] Posting habits.

Some observations:

+If you are, you have to scroll through a
+bunch of
+stuff you already read to find the new reply. Seems a waste.

1. Yes, exactly. I follow most of the threads and if I get confused my mail
program has a neat sort-by-subject button and it's trivial to find
the original message.

2. Mail client automatically starts the reply at the top.

3. Even though I'm usually an evil top-poster I usually take the time
to trim out the bottom irrelevant copy.

4. I just scanned the last 100 or so messages received on 20 of the
that I'm on and over 90% of them post their replies to the top of the
I haven't seen anyone complain of 'top-posting' on any of those lists.
What's up with that?

5. Personally I use a large enough monitor and resolution along with the
in box view and I usually don't have to scroll to read the replies. The
reply and
a good chunk of the original message are clearly visible. I don't really
need to see
the original message since I read it when it was first posted. All I need to
is the reply which is conveniently located at the top of the message. Bottom
posting is
annoying to me because I need to scroll through the all-ready read top crap
to get to
the new info.

6. Net things are in constant flux. Things change. People change. Software
Just because something was proper yesterday or last year doesn't mean it is
or is
not proper today for you, or me or for everyone. It's not proper or polite
to belch
or fart in public, not use your turn signal, cut in line, use the express
lane when
you have more than 15 items, lay employees off 2 weeks before Christmas, not
reply to
customer's emails in less than 24 hours, let your kids run wild in public
and hundreds
of other annoyances, yet people still do. I'd rather see people taken to
task for things like posting
html, in languages other than English (on a predominately English list), the
all-capitals, not mentioning what exact product they're using, not putting a
product ID in the subject, using subjects like "HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!", not
giving complete
and detailed error outputs etc than to be crucified over whether their post
reply is
at the top or at the bottom.

just my Friday 2 cents. Anyone is welcome to disagree.