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[cobalt-security] ProFTPD issues

Proftpd 1.2.0rc3 was released yesterday.

Below is today's post on Bugtraq about it.  I'm wondering if we are going to
see an RPM from Cobalt on this any time soon?



Three issues with the ProFTPD FTP server have been reported to BUGTRAQ in
the past month. These issues have been addressed by the ProFTPD core team.

The following vulnerabilities are addressed in this advisory:

1. "SIZE memory leak"
   Reported by Wojciech Purczynski <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

2. "USER memory leak"
   Reported by Wojciech Purczynski <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

3. "Minor format string vulnerabilities"
   Reported by Przemyslaw Frasunek <venglin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

All three are thought to exist in all previous 1.2.0 test releases,
(1.2.0pre[1-10], 1.2.0rc[1-2]). All three now have been fixed, and patches
have been committed to the ProFTPD CVS repository. A new release, 1.2.0rc3,
containing these fixes has been made available as of 5 February and is
available from:
