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Re: [cobalt-security] ProFTPD issues

On Wed, 07 Feb 2001, Mr. M wrote:

> Proftpd 1.2.0rc3 was released yesterday.
> Below is today's post on Bugtraq about it.  I'm wondering if we are going to
> see an RPM from Cobalt on this any time soon?

RPMs are available:

i386: (Qube3, RaQ3, RaQ4, XTR, CacheRaQ4)

mips w/ PAM: (RaQ2)

mips w/o PAM: (RaQ1, Qube2)

As usual, these RPMs are considered experimental and unsupported
until an official pkg file from Cobalt is posted to the website.

Jeff Lovell
Sun Microsystems
Server Appliance Business Unit