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Re: [cobalt-security] FTPD DoS

The workaround was published days ago on the proftpd-announce list.
And i dont think your attitude against people who do know what they are talking about is very fair. How about putting some research in your e-mail workarounds before you post them, and say people that do know what they are talking about are wrong.
"Your servers may not be important to you, but for many they are."
Now tell me if that is according to netiquette?
And please dont reply, as i am not going to continue the discussion.

At 17:44 17-3-2001 +0000, you wrote:
> I think you dont understand how inetd works. If someone connects to, lets
> say port 21, inetd spawns a proftpd session. At the moment proftpd starts,
> it wil read it config file. So who's talking poop now?

Thank you for that.

Here is a nice URL for you about netiquette and top-posting:

And what EXACTLY has your insult and top-post got to do with the DoS which I
posted a workaround for, bearing mind that this is a security list?

The workaround posted, however, does work which was the whole point of the
post to a security list to help people secure their servers.