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[cobalt-security] RaQ3 syslogd 1.3-3: restart Normal?

I'm seeing this in my logcheck report, almost daliy at about the same time

syslogd 1.3-3: restart seems to happen about the time the logs rotate

Started about a month ago... which may coincide with about the time I
installed the vixie-cron Update 4.0.1 it also probably coincides with about
the time I installed logcheck... 

Sound familiar or... is it an indication that someone is restarting that
service to cover tracks?

I logged on and watched netstat reports continously during the last time
period and all I noticed was an unusual smtp connection from an ip in the
asian pacific registry... Is it possible someone has cracked the box and is
running a cron job mailing at that nice ripe hour and then restarting
syslogd to cover tracks.. or would this cover tracks??

also... is the directory usr/man/man8 normal? there's a batch of man dir's
in there.. 

I've got all the updates installed, running portsentry and logcheck but the
box was unprotected for about a month prior to installation of
portsenty/logcheck (had updates)

Wayne Sagar