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Re: [cobalt-security] RaQ4-All-Kernel-1.0.1-2.216C24III.pkg

On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, [ISO-8859-1] Julio López Garbayo wrote:

> I installed it yesterday and it was terrible. After first reboot httpd 
> was down and did not get up again; in the second try, it locked up 
> during the second boot sequence; now, all the daemons work 
> properly, bat there seems to be a problem with authentification, 

Just installed it...but now it takes at least 60 seconds for ws_ftp to
connect for ftp, while from the unix prompt it's the normal time period.

On some attempts the server takes so long to connect that the client times

Any thoughts/fixes greatly appreciated, as my customers will think the box
is broken when their ftp clients take forever to connect.

Very, VERY unhappy camper here....as no authorized by Cobalt
software/patches installed, all updates installed, and now I'm left with a
REAL problem.

baltimoremd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx             Thom LaCosta K3HRN Webmaster