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Re: [cobalt-security] warning

>The people with IP have been trying to hack my raq4 severeal
>days. Has anybody a way to "block all Asia" from
>all kind of conection to our raqs? This becuse we only hold norwegian
>and therefore I am better of safe than sorry. All of you other admins
>allso take a look at this IP.

I was chatting to one of my Chinese linux-guru friends here in Australia
last night and he explained to me that most of the attacks from Korea are
probably coming from China. He was suggesting that Chinese h4x0r5 use korea
as a gateway because it has fatter pipes to the U.S.

So the moral of the story is that you can block all the IPs you want, but as
long as the hacker can still get control of an IP outside that range it
provides a relay point that they can still attack you from. I was reading
recently about old Wingate exploits that do this for you and basically
provide IP-spoofing on demand because once you get in you can go anywhere
and your originating IP isn't logged.

I'm not much of an authority on these issues, but it seems that harm
minimisation rather than control is still the main issue here, just as it is
with a whole lot of other issues that our various governments seek to ignore
: )

now if only i could figure out how to configure this snort business....
