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RE: [cobalt-security] Antivirus?

Thanks all of you who answered my question.

We finally prefered DNS Telecom's A.V. to Amavis' solution. It's easier to
have management to pay for a solution rather than believe in a project like
Amavis (sad but true). That, and we prefer something easier to install...

Now, if somebody ever heard of any problem with DNS Telecom's anti-virus, I
would like to know about it.


Chris. Konieczny

| Hello everybody!
| We're managing a mailing list with a RaQ3 box, and one of the
| ML member sent
| an virus infected message... Thus spreading the virus from our box.
| So I was wondering, do you know any anti-virus working on a
| RaQ3 that can
| check attachments?
| Thanks,
| Chris. Konieczny