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Re: [cobalt-security] Open letter to SUN/Cobalt

Hi Joshua,

> I'm assuming the sysctl() one was fine with C24 (I never looked at it
> personally).

Me neither. I know that my RaQ3 with the 2.2.14 kernel is vulnerable, but 
after reading some negative feedback here about applying the RaQ4-C24 kernel 
on the RaQ3 I rather would like for something which Cobalt approves for use 
on a RaQ3. 

> The problem with the ptrace race condition was this: when the exploit
> was first found and patched, it was around 2.2.19pre9 or so... that took
> care of the exploit going around, but then it was found that the kernel
> patch only closed the window on the race condition rather than
> eliminating it completely.  

Yes, I've seen it in my old 2.2.18 and 2.2.16 kernels on my linux boxes at 
home. Also on one of the earlier 2.2.19pre's a while ago when that one was 
still hip. 

> What I'm getting at is what's in C24 is like 2.2.19pre9 (with regard to
> the exploit), and C25 has was was done for 2.2.19 final.

Very good! That's what I wanted to know. Thanks a million for jumping in, 

On a completly different topic, not even directly related to security issues. 
But maybe you know something about this and are willing to share your 

So far the extended-2 filesystem is commonly used on the Cobalt RaQs. While 
this is certainly not a problem, there are also other very interesting file 
systems which can and will enhance data integrity even in worst case 

ReiserFS is one of them (had only good experiences with it so far) and just 
recently SGI released the journaling XFS filesystem as open source. XFS will 
most likely be integrated in future 2.4.X kernels in most major distributions 
due to it's good reputation and the kind of features it offers. 

Of course there is next to no reasonable way to switch existing RaQs from 
ext2 to ReiserFS or even XFS.

However, how about future products? Can you imagine that either Sun or Cobalt 
will eventually offer some entry level servers with a good journaling file 
system in the closer future? Personally I think that would be most 
interesting and a good sales argument. 


Best regards

Michael Stauber