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Re: [cobalt-security] BIND 9.1.2rc1

Hi Carrie and all,

> I've grabbed, unzipped and untarred BIND 9.1.2rc1 on my RAQ and as I'm

Why did you choose that version?

Please use version 9.1.2, which is the newest version.

> It says it's been successfully installed on RH6.2 (I'm running two
> RaQ4s - one 'i' and one 'r'). So I'd like to give it a try.

I have successfully installed it on RH6.2, RH7.1, Cobalt RaQ3 and RaQ4. So it should work :-)
>         with the "--prefix" option when running "configure".
> My "named" is in /etc. So I should ./configure --prefix /etc ...yes?

Nope. You should probably choose /usr/, if you want to follow the file placement that Cobalt choose.

If would perhaps be a good idea to choose /usr/local/ if you want to have both the old and new version of bind, while testing.

I would consider it a good idea to remove the old bind before installing the new one.

> There's also something over in /usr/sbin though; named,
> named-bootconf, and named-xfer. What are those doing there?

Well, it's the normal binaries for bind :-)

> 1. If I install this, will it break anything?  ;)

Most probably. The GUI for DNS will not work out-of-the-box.

We use Bind 9.1.2 with our own database backend (MySQL) to enable us to have very easy and fast configuration of DNS.

Jens Kristian Søgaard, Mermaid Consulting I/S,