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[cobalt-security] BIND 9.1.2rc1

Hey all.
I've grabbed, unzipped and untarred BIND 9.1.2rc1 on my RAQ and as I'm
reading through the documentation included with it, I thought I should
ask for some advice.
It says it's been successfully installed on RH6.2 (I'm running two
RaQ4s - one 'i' and one 'r'). So I'd like to give it a try.

The part that cocks my eyebrow is this:
"make install" will install "named" and the various BIND 9 libraries.
        By default, installation is into /usr/local, but this can be
        with the "--prefix" option when running "configure".

My "named" is in /etc. So I should ./configure --prefix /etc ...yes?
There's also something over in /usr/sbin though; named,
named-bootconf, and named-xfer. What are those doing there?
And I remember a big hoopla about named running as root and such when
the last Cobalt BIND updates were released.

I know that some of you guys are successfully running BIND 9. So I
suppose my questions are:
1. If I install this, will it break anything?  ;)
2. Any other flags I should put in when configuring?  (A specific
./configure command set for the Cobalt way of doing things would be
much appreciated!)

Thanks for any help/advice you can give... I'm getting better but
messing with BIND makes me nervous. :)
