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Re: [cobalt-security] RaQ4-All-Security Release 1.0.2-5-9769

On 6/15/01 at 11:01 AM Alex Collins wrote:

| In article <200106141155230796.04FA0DC6@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, MikeM
| <MyRaQ@xxxxxxxxx> writes
| >
| >
| >No Webalizer here. Just the regular Cobalt GUI site usage stats.  
| >
| >Maybe that's the problem, I didn't install any third party software. 
| ;-)o
| >
| I'm also not running any other software. Just the Cobalt GUI logs.
| I gave our Raq a reboot this morning. Maybe that's what it needs.
| I had a look at cron and syslog - all look fine so nothing to report
| really.

I rebooted mine over the weekend, and the GUI site usage stats are still bad.