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Re: [cobalt-security] Re: RaQ4-All-Security Release 1.0.2-5-9769

Hi Carrie,

> I use Webalizer and a little bandwidth program from Jens called
> TrafficLight to monitor things. Webalizer is for the customers' use,
> TrafficLight is for my use only.

Sorry, but the thought of "why so complicated" comes to mind when I see that. 

The logfile /var/log/httpd/access contains the combined http-log of every 
domain you have on your machine. So you can also use Webalizer to generate 
stats which list traffic for all individual domains and have it combined on 
one page.

Telnet or SSH into your machine, become root and enter the following:

/usr/local/bin/webalizer -o /home/sites/home/web/statsall 
/var/log/httpd/access >/dev/null

Put that all in one line and make sure that the directory 
/home/sites/home/web/statsall exists before you run this command from the 
shell for the first time.

Then see at the results through http://primarysite.com/statsall/ 

If you like it, then you can bind the above to a bi-daily or even hourly 
cronjob (with "crontab -e") and you're there.

As for your other IP-chains related question: Installation of ipchains itself 
is very easy. Just grab the RPM for RedHat 6.2 (works fine with RaQ3&4), 
upload it to your server and install it: 

rpm -hUv ipchains*.rpm

You can alway use rpmfind.net to locate the appropriate version you need for 
a RedHat 6.2, which is true for next to any piece of software you might want 
to have. Including goodies like MySQL, lsof, iptraf, Midnight Commander and 
next to everything else. However, resolving all the dependencies which some 
of those packages need makes up for an afternoon worth of work in some cases.

The only thing I never found through rpmfind.net was a working Midnight 
Commander for the MIPS-driven RaQ2. But that's another story. ;o)


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Michael Stauber

 Stauber Multimedia Design ____ Phone:  +49-6471-923812
 Hauptstrasse 31 ______  D-56244 Goddert ______ Germany