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Re: [cobalt-security] poprelay: serious security bug

On 09 Jul 2001 15:12:53 -0400, Jonathan M. Slivko wrote:
> What is the exact nature of this bug in poprelay? -- Jonathan

The nature of the problem is in how poprelayd reads the mail log file.
It looks for a string in a certain format, and when that format matches,
it inputs the ip address into the relaying tables.  The string it looks
for is one that matches a successful login.  The problem is that there
is no bound checking happening.  This allows a remote user to input a
string that matches the correct login line in a SMTP transaction.

This will add the specified IP address to the relay tables allowing a
remote user to send mail through the device.

We have rolled together a new poprelayd rpm that addresses this issue.
It hasn't been tested fully yet, but you can download it from the
following address:

md5sum: 52af3c84c93914908ced089526521330

Please let me know if you find any issues with this version.

Jeff Lovell
Sun Microsystems Inc.