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Re: [cobalt-security] New poprelayd rpm available

[root@kever /root]# rpm -i poprelayd-2.0-4.noarch.rpm
file /etc/rc.d/init.d/poprelayd from install of poprelayd-2.0-4 conflicts with file from package poprelayd-1.2-3a file /usr/local/sbin/poprelayd from install of poprelayd-2.0-4 conflicts with file from package poprelayd-1.2-3a file /usr/local/sbin/poprelayd.custodiat from install of poprelayd-2.0-4 conflicts with file from package poprelayd-1.2-3a
[root@kever /root]# rpm -i --force poprelayd-2.0-4.noarch.rpm
cp: /etc/mail/sendmail.cf: No such file or directory
Can't open /etc/mail/sendmail.cf.nopopauth: No such file or directory
[root@kever /root]#  whereis "sendmail.cf"
sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail /etc/sendmail.cf /etc/sendmail.cw /usr/lib/sendmail /usr/man/man8/sendmail.8
[root@kever /root]#

Thats on a RaQ3 with all patches installed and poprelayd enabled.

[root /root]# rpm -i poprelayd-2.0-4.noarch.rpm
file /etc/rc.d/init.d/poprelayd from install of poprelayd-2.0-4 conflicts with file from package poprelayd-1.2-3a file /usr/local/sbin/poprelayd from install of poprelayd-2.0-4 conflicts with file from package poprelayd-1.2-3a file /usr/local/sbin/poprelayd.custodiat from install of poprelayd-2.0-4 conflicts with file from package poprelayd-1.2-3a
[root /root]# rpm -i --force poprelayd-2.0-4.noarch.rpm
[root /root]#

Thats on a RaQ4r with all patches installed.

At 13:42 9-7-2001 -0700, you wrote:

A new version of poprelayd is available that addresses the security
issue recently discovered by Andrea Barisani.  This is an experimental
release, meaning that it has not been fully tested by our SQA team, and
thus unsupported.

A fully tested release should be available shortly.

You can get the latest rpm from here:

md5sum: 52af3c84c93914908ced089526521330

Please let me know if you find any issues with this version.