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Re: [cobalt-security] New poprelayd rpm available

Hi John,

It was late for me, so i just didn't thought of it :)



At 00:25 10-7-2001 +0100, you wrote:
On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Peter Batenburg wrote:

> [root@kever /root]# rpm -i poprelayd-2.0-4.noarch.rpm
> file /etc/rc.d/init.d/poprelayd from install of poprelayd-2.0-4 conflicts
> with file from package poprelayd-1.2-3a

>From the rpm man page:

            rpm -i [install-options] <package_file>+

       This installs a new package.

            rpm -U [install-options] <package_file>+

       This  upgrades or installs the package currently installed
       to the version in the  new  RPM.

I believe that explains why you're getting the errors above.  You alread
have a version of poprelayd installed, so trying to install instead of
upgrade is bound to cause problems.