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[cobalt-security] spam relay problems

I have a RAQ XTR and have checked the "check mail before smtp relay" box on
the gui interface but spammers are still using my box to relay through.  I
was under the impression that once this box was checked, no one could use
the RAQ to relay through.  I have been watching the network traffic to the
RAQ and I can see several instances where the "relay denied" message is
displayed so I feel it is partly working, but I can also see that the
spammers are bypassing this and continuing to relay through my RAQ.  On some
of the lines, I can see that they have added my domain name to the end of
their email address, but their address is not listed as a user on my system.
The only way I have found to be able to stop this from happening is to deny
the ip addresses of the spammers on my firewall, but that only works for a
short time until they change addresses.  Is there a file I can modify
somewhere that will turn off all relaying and not allow the RAQ to be fooled
into thinking that the spammers are legitimate users?  What other options do
I have as far as the RAQ is concerned?   Please help!
