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Re: [cobalt-security] warning - early poprelay patch is invalid

> http://members.iinet.net.au/~remmie/relay/
> and found that i was an open relay for the last week.

before we jump to conclusions here, this link i posted was linked
to from http://mail-abuse.org/ who i would assume are a reasonably
trusted party when it comes to fighting spam.

note.. when testing, i suggest you use details like:

From: invaliduser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Recipient: validuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sender: validuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

for invaliduser@... anything that's void, like ... spamsux99@

for validuser@... use anything that's valid, like admin@ or an address you
use in whois records, or any other user account that might be known to

hell, use a valid user for all these values, since mail shouldn't be sent
unless you've authenticated via pop, right?

in my experience at the moment, neither of these packages works.

once they do work.... cobalt-sun might like to remove:


so that those of us hunting around with ncftp stand a chance ending up at:
