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Re: [cobalt-security] The Code-Red Worm is attacking... GOD it's attacking.

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 12:07:32 +0100, Nick Drage mumbled something 
>>to the Bugtraq mailing list, which you should be a subscriber of
>>to be honest, web archive at SecurityFocus if you're not.

I'm subscribing to it today.

>>hysterial this worm seems to be generating, as it is being accused
>>taking down any device that even thinks about listing on port 80 on

I did notice that traffic here in my area last night had slowed to a 
crawl, and my first thought was that the infected machines were 
spouting so much junk that they were hogging up the bandwidth - so 
count me in on the uninformed paranoid.  ;)

>>For some alternative views on that please do refer to:

I've seen a lot of Linux and Unix users say Steve is "off his rocker" 
on this one; thanks for the URL (going there right after I hit 
bugtraq). I love to read alternative opinions from people far more 
educated than I (best way to learn sumfin).

>>Correspondence on this subject will not be entered into, especially
>>on a
>>Cobalt RaQ mailing list :)

Indeed; we'd probably get some pretty strong reactions on that one - 
like bringing up politics. (Ack.)

Thanks for the info, Nick.

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