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[cobalt-security] why did wtmp rotate?

Greetings, Cobalt Guri --

On my RaQ2, last week, my /var/log/wtmp
file rotated for the first time in the 2.5 years
I've had the box.  I have never seen wtmp
get rotated before.

That is, the old wtmp was gzipped and
renamed wtmp.1.gz and a new wtmp file
was started.  Nothing wrong with that...
but as a paranoid sysadmin, I get
suspicious about log files.  Could it be a
hacker covering her tracks?  Or is there
some script that I haven't noticed before
that rotates wtmp?

I see nothing about this in the knowledgebase.
Thanks so much for any light you can shed.

Dan Keller
+1 415 861-4500 (voice)
+1 415 861-4593 (fax)