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RE: [cobalt-security] why did wtmp rotate?

> On my RaQ2, last week, my /var/log/wtmp
> file rotated for the first time in the 2.5 years
> I've had the box.  I have never seen wtmp
> get rotated before.
> That is, the old wtmp was gzipped and
> renamed wtmp.1.gz and a new wtmp file
> was started.  Nothing wrong with that...
> but as a paranoid sysadmin, I get
> suspicious about log files.  Could it be a
> hacker covering her tracks?  Or is there
> some script that I haven't noticed before
> that rotates wtmp?

Take a look at your /etc/rotate.conf (raq4) or your raq2 equivalent and
check the parameters.  It may be configured to rotate on reaching a
certain size and not weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.  If that's the case,
unzip it and see if the size it right to have triggered the rotate.

Dean Hall at Tactix ReEngineering ( dean@xxxxxxxxxx ) 
503 520-9699  http://www.tactix.com