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RE: [cobalt-security] why did wtmp rotate?

At 05:28 PM 7/31/01 -0700, Dean Hall wrote:
>> On my RaQ2, last week, my /var/log/wtmp
>> file rotated for the first time in the 2.5 years
>> I've had the box.  I have never seen wtmp
>> get rotated before.
>> That is, the old wtmp was gzipped and
>> renamed wtmp.1.gz and a new wtmp file
>> was started.  Nothing wrong with that...
>> but as a paranoid sysadmin, I get
>> suspicious about log files.  Could it be a
>> hacker covering her tracks?  Or is there
>> some script that I haven't noticed before
>> that rotates wtmp?
>Take a look at your /etc/rotate.conf (raq4) or your raq2 equivalent and
>check the parameters.  It may be configured to rotate on reaching a
>certain size and not weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.  If that's the case,
>unzip it and see if the size it right to have triggered the rotate.
>Dean Hall at Tactix ReEngineering ( dean@xxxxxxxxxx ) 
>503 520-9699  http://www.tactix.com 

Yes -- that's exactly what happened.

The file /etc/logrotate.conf on my RaQ2
rotates wtmp when it reaches 2M in size.

Thanks, Dean, for your sage advice!

Dan Keller
+1 415 861-4500 (voice)
+1 415 861-4593 (fax)