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Re: [cobalt-security] Mail to root ???

On Wed, 01 Aug 2001 17:39:19 +0200, Norbert Nothdurft mumbled 
something like:
>>Sorry for posting in German.

Oh goodness please don't apologize, it's your natural language. I 
wasn't asking that you didn't post in German, just that you included 
something so the rest of us could follow along (since the list is 
How about putting the URL that Gary submitted at the bottom of your 
German posts, rather than re-posting the entire thing in English? 
That would work; something like:
"For a translation of this post, visit 

Is that a good meeting point? This way you don't have to spend time 
repeating yourself, and those of us who don't speak german can easily 
click on the link to go translate your post.
"Microsoft is not the answer, Microsoft is the question. NO is the 
answer." --Unknown