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[cobalt-security] Chili!Soft ASP is not vulnerable to the Code Red Worm

Hello all,

It has been brought to our attention here at Chili!Soft, that there is 
some concern over the use of Chili!Soft ASP on a Cobalt server, and the 
Code Red worm that is growing to become so famous.

We would like to let everyone know that in no way does Chili!Soft ASP 
use ISAPI modules on a Linux server, or on any flavor of Unix for that
The "Code Red" exploit only works on Windows servers using IIS.

Chili!Soft ASP is implemented in the native language of whichever web
server we are associated with.  Thus for Apache, we use an Apache
Module, for Netscape, we use an NSAPI module, etc....

Chili!Soft ASP does not rely on FrontPage Server Extensions in any way. 
will only run .asp or .asa files according to the rules of ASP.  

I am not aware of what API or protocol, FrontPage extensions use to
communicate.  This is something that you would need to talk to Microsoft
or Ready To Run (the company that provides FPSE for Unix/Linux) about.

I hope that these facts help you feel a little bit better about the
environment that you are running within.

If there are any specific questions that anyone has in regards to the
Chili!Soft ASP product, please feel free to drop an e-mail to either
chili.eval@xxxxxxx or chili.info@xxxxxxx and someone from Chili!Soft
get back to you directly.

Best regards,


John "JB" Brock
The Cook
Chili!Soft Product Management Team
Sun Microsystems