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Re: [cobalt-security] Re: Code Red Special Effects (WAS: Hacking my Raq4i???)

On Mon, 6 Aug 2001 16:08:55 -0500, Michael J. Cannon mumbled 
something like:
>>a)... Remove and disallow ALL FrontPage extensions.
>>  b)  Turn off Port 80 services/redirect Port 80...

Translated: close up shop and go home?
Sorry, I know this post was meant to help, but honestly these are not 
viable solutions. Turning off port 80 services means that I can't 
serve up websites. Websites are my business. Redirecting port 80 
won't help at all, since the CR requests will just get redirected 
along with the regular requests.
Turning off FrontPage extensions - this I wouldn't mind, but again, 
for me it's closing up shop. My clients use FrontPage - I cannot turn 
off the extensions and make the majority of their site (shared 
borders, special FP elements) stop working.

What you're proposing is corporate suicide.

Not meant to be snappy or anything here, just trying to get people to 
think in a more positive way than "turn everything off and go home 
with the ball" - there's got to be a better solution... 
"Disarmed citizens encourage crime and violence. Armed citizens 
encourage criminals to find a safer line of work." --Harry Browne