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[cobalt-security] Re: Codered2 and winnuke

But even codered.c (coderedII) stops propagating if the machine is rebooted.
It only leaves the backdoor and does not leave any onload commands. The
backdoor does not need to be run every time the computer boots, because it
is only a copy of command.exe in the script directory of IIS. In my opinion
it seems that th programmer already has an idea of his next virus. He has
limited this virus to run only until october 2001. I wonder what his next
one is?
Code Red v2 does write info to disk to install it's back door...
Or at least moves files around the hard drive to make the back door, and
even a reboot
won't clean your system completely..  It also writes to the registry so the
back door is opened
everytime the machine boots..