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[cobalt-security] IPChains/IPTables - DROP or DENY..?

Thanks for your replies... I was finally able to
dig-up some concrete answers to this question, along
with the basic differences between IPChains and

Solution: IPChains does *NOT* recognize the "DROP"
command, as it was just introduced with IPTables. I'm
building a firebox based on the 2.4 kernel and
IPTables and this is what I've learned regarding some
new differences between IPTables and the older

- The DENY target is now DROP

- The TCP -y flag is now --syn, and must be after `-p

- REJECT and LOG are now extended targets, meaning
they are separate kernel modules.

- MASQ is now MASQUERADE and uses a different syntax.

Here's a list that might help someone in the future
regarding the changes between IPChains and IPTables:


Thanks Again!

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