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[cobalt-security] IPChains/IPTables - DROP or DENY..?

> A friend is insisting that IPChains will
> accept the DROP command, but I can find *no* 
> reference to IPChains accepting DROP in any 
> manual or documentation so far.. I know 
> IPTables accepts it, but I didn't think 
> IPChains did.
>>From man ipchains:
>> DENY means to drop the packet on the floor.
>> Is that what you mean by DROP?

No, not exactly. I know they both do basically the
same -The difference between the two are that DROP
will drop the packet silently and DENY will return
information. Drop also eat less memory on the system.

--BUT-- To my understanding only IPTables can accept
the DROP (or DENY) command, IPChains only accepts
DENY. A friend is insisting that IPChains can accept
the DROP command as well and that I should change all
the DENY statements in my firewall to DROP instead..
But I'm almost sure DROP can only be used with
IPTables. That's what I'm trying to clarify.

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