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Re: [cobalt-security] what is this default.ida line all about

Eric wrote:
> No, I just never bothered to ask about it, and I haven't done any reading
> on it, since it doesn't affect our servers at all, but I finally got
> curious, and wanted to confirm my suspicions that that's what it was.

Given that we had a big discussion on here about this between 6th and 8th
August, would it have been too much trouble to check some previous messages,
rather than just start it all off again?

I'm not having a go at you personally, but I do get a bit tired of reading
the same questions and answers on this list over and over again, and asking
something that we did last week makes you a particularly easy target :o)

The mailing list is archived at:
Admittedly it's not searchable as far as I can tell, perhaps Sun could add
this feature?


PS While I'm in rant mode, I also get tired of questions that can be
answered by "I read the manual for you and it said..." :o)