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[cobalt-security] Redhat upgrade???

Dear All

We are just about to upgrade our servers from Redhat Linux 6.1 to the latest
version of Redhat 7.1.
My question is are there any security implications in doing this?
Any warnings? don't do it like this, do it like that...

Any help, warnings gratefully received.

Also I posted this a little while ago and got no reply... Please help a very
new and ignorant designer to do a admin's job.

I think that my server is running BIND as root, which I believe makes it

[admin /etc]$ ps -ef | grep named
root       376     1  0 Aug09 ?        00:00:00 named
admin    22535 21250  0 10:50 pts/0    00:00:00 grep named

I understand I now have to make a user and group for it to run under and
that the user must have a disabled shell and a home directory of wherever
the DNS directory is. My question is how do I do this?

I then assign BIND to the new user and group like this?

/usr/sbin/named -u dns_user -g dns_group

I am right?
