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[cobalt-security] IPchains & DNS

We have a problem with IPchains & DNS queries.

We want to use IPchains to firewall off all ports on our machine apart from
the dozen or so in the sub 150 port range used for services like sendmail &

The problem we are having is that tcp & udp DNS queries are being made to
random ports above 1023 on our machine, and we get this sort of thing
turning in our logs:

Aug 20 07:17:42 Server kernel: Packet log: input REJECT eth0 PROTO=17
206.xx.xx.xx:53 OUR.IP:1054 L=174 S=0x00 I=40463 F=0x4000 T=240 (#33)

We have restricted this by only allowing requests for ports above 1023 from
port 53 on an external machine, but this is easily exploitable.

My knowledge of DNS is patchy to say the least. Does anyone know

1) If it's possible to force external servers to make DNS queries to port 53
only? (I assume not)
2) If we simply DENY these requests, will it prevent our site from being
found? (I assume it will)
3) Is there are simple fix for this that I have completely overlooked?

