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RE: [cobalt-security] storage

> Could anbody tell me what this is maybe could be, could it be a hack and
> they are doing somthing with the files, or is this a nown issue after
> innstlling the 2 new updates. The server talking about is a Rqa4r.


Check your individual partitions sizes/usage with df -h as it most likely
just your /dev/md1 partition is getting full.  I came across the same
problem when I started to mirror the update packages in the wrong partition.


Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1              726M  637M   89M  88% /
/dev/md3              194M   16M  178M   8% /var
/dev/md4               26G  199M   25G   1% /home


Yussef M. ElSirgany
Magnatech Business Systems

Phone:  516-931-4444 Ext.105
Fax:    516-931-1264
Email:  yelsir@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:yelsir@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>