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Re: [cobalt-security] Slightly off Topic- PKG files

My point was a simple page showing all that had been installed and those that hadn't and little checkboxes for installing (uncheck for uninstall?) the packages, saving the need for ftp etc. I think that some people who rent boxes as 'admins' don't have the time to mess around with things like ftp and think 'well it won't happen to me'. I am subscribed to the announce list, but I am sure that I haven't seen all of the packages come through on the emails, I only seem to get one once a month.
Once that's done, I exit the shell, and go back to the GUI... There's a
new choice there, called "Loaded".  I use it to install the "Loaded"
packages.  When I'm done I move those packages (again using a shell),
into an unprivileged directory somewhere under /home, to save them in as
an archive and in case I ever need them again, to not have to FTP them
over, or in case for some reason the Cobalt site stops carrying the old