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Re: [cobalt-security] Slightly off Topic- PKG files

On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 13:43:47 -0400 (EDT), baltimoremd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
mumbled something like:
>>The next step would be for the script to post to all the cobalt
>>lists, asking the early adopters if there is a problem.

Actually Thom this wouldn't be too good. Imagine 300 emails coming in 
on the day a patch is released - all asking the exact same question - 
and the owner of the box (who hasn't checked his email yet to be 
alerted that a new patch is available) doesn't even know that 'he' 
has supposedly posted to the list... along with 299 other boxes.


"Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it." 
--George Bernard Shaw