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[cobalt-security] cobalt kb - resetting root/admin password

Title: cobalt kb - resetting root/admin password

sorry for the cross post but i figured it'd be good to have on both lists...

i got on the knowledge base this morning and searched for 'push'. below is the article that came back...

Resetting the root/admin password ole0.bmp
Question I forgot my password when I telnet in as root. What should I do? ole1.bmp
Answer To reset the password, you will need a paper clip. Push the paper clip into the reset button below the On/Off button on the Qube, or the reset button to the right of the LCD panel on the RaQ, for approximately 2 seconds. At this point, the LCD will show, "Resetting Admin Password."

Then using the web browser interface, go in and set a new admin password. If it prompts you for a username and password, use "admin" for the username, and just nothing for password.

Do this quickly, to minimize any security risks.

Refer to your manual should you need more assistance.


to me, this doesn't seem like the best answer to put in the knowledge. does it concern anyone else as much as it does me? especially those of you that are running remote servers. i'm going to have several remote qubes running that shouldn't be mucked around with. if it's this easy to get into the box...
