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Re: [cobalt-security] cobalt kb - resetting root/admin password

Hi Sean,

> to me, this doesn't seem like the best answer to put in the knowledge.
> does it concern anyone else as much as it does me? especially those of
> you that are running remote servers. i'm going to have several remote
> qubes running that shouldn't be mucked around with. if it's this easy to
> get into the box...

Anyone (capitalize this and put it in bright red colors) who has direct 
physical access to any server is a dire security risk. For the Cobalt's all 
you need is a paper clip. For other servers you just need to grab the 
keyboard, reboot them and do some arcane wizardry which you can look up in a 
good Linux book.

That's why server rooms are usually guarded, video monitored and under tight 
access control.  Only in very rare cases (call that a shabby business and one 
to avoid <g>) they're put in public places like the lobby. Even though a Cray 
might be best placed there to impress visitors and competitors. ;o)

But back to the issue: If my colocation ISP (or anyone else for that matter) 
reboots my machine, or performs a login as admin or root, then I'll know 
within a few minutes (internal and external monitoring is in place). Unless 
they'll have some very good reasons they then have one customer less, which 
they know.


With best regards,

Michael Stauber