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Re: [cobalt-security] PHP 4.0.6 for RaQ4 released

"R. Hamburg" wrote:

> I applied to plain php upgrade (without GD) just for testing purposes and
> beeing the pioneer for once. Works perfect for me on the raq.
> Now I want try and install the php version with gd etc should I uninstall
> the plain version or can I just installed the other version over it ??
> Just wondering.

Please let us know how it works/worked.

Specifically if it breaks Webalizer.  Webalizer is a good candidate for
breaking since it uses the old GD library to create .gif files, which
which support is specically not included in the new library.

Jeff Lasman <jblists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Linux and Cobalt/Sun/RaQ Consulting
P. O. Box 52672, Riverside, CA  92517
voice: (909) 787-8589  *  fax: (909) 782-0205