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Re: [cobalt-security] Re: How did they do this - Thank You Guys


> John, checked the sendmail.ct and nothing in it see below...

Ah, I'm afraid I was a little out of date on this one.  Let me quote a
little of the Bat book[1]

"Prior to V8 sendmail, if a user who was not trusted attempted to use the
-f switch, that attempt was silently ignored (silently disallowed).
Beginning with V8.7 sendmail, if a user who is not trusted attempts to use
the -f switch, that attempt may produce an X-Authentication-Warning"

It would appear that the definition of a 'trusted user' got changed
somewhere along the way!  I've had a quick look and there doesn't seem to
be any option for disabling -f for your users.



[1] O'Reilly's excellent 'Sendmail'