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SV: [cobalt-security] urgent question

"Kai r. s., euroweb as" <kai@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> When it comes to finding the error it was almost inposible to find
> in a 2000 mb error log! what I could se was mostely root.exe and cmd.exe
> errors, but there could have been like a million errors i did not have
> to see.

Not sure if it's been mentioned to you already, but look at logcheck on
psionic.com.  It'll look for suspicous log entries.  Also learn the "grep"
command.  "man grep" from the shell for more info.  It's your friend for
finding matching text in a file.

Steve Werby

What i ment was that i hade not time to check 2Gb becuse after 2 houres the
error log was back to normal size and almost 2Gb of the error log was gone
in the same mysterius way that i came. I do run portsenetry and logcheck
there was nothing in the logcheck report that i so fare can point my finger
on.(I get dailey report)
