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Re: SV: [cobalt-security] urgent question

It looks like you just got slaughtered by thousands of Nimda worms then,
if you want to check (and you still have the log) try doing a
grep -v "root" logfilenamegoeshere |grep -v "cmd"
which will display all the lines which don't contain root or cmd
so it should take out most of the junk. You could also add a
|grep -v "default.ida"
to the end to take out codered/blue variants.
I don't know much about logrotate but maybe it removed the logs because
too much space was being used on the partition.

On the SSHD and TELNET note, some sshd servers have lines in the ssh_config
file which deny/allow users. Make sure you have your users in this file.

> From: "Kai r. s., euroweb as" <kai@xxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: SV: [cobalt-security] urgent question
> Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 09:45:05 +0200
> Reply-To: cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Hi, and thanks for giving me helpful tips.
> I did not include (-9) next time i will,(thanks)
> When it comes to finding the error it was almost inposible to find
> in a 2000 mb error log! what I could se was mostely root.exe and cmd.exe
> errors, but there could have been like a million errors i did not have
> to see. The funny thing was that it stopped log rotating the first hours,
> but when i came back to look for more errors later that evening the error
> log suddentely where back to normal size? where have it all gone? This is
> bugging my brain, and to be honest i don`t have a clue what happend. As
> proberly understand i am a newbi in linux/apache.I will be glad for any
> in pointing me the right way.
> Kai