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[cobalt-security] unsubscribe

how to I unsubscribe from the cobalt lists

Frederic Trudeau

[A]dvanced [S]upport [A]gent
Colocation/Customer Support Agent
CAM Internet -> http://www.cam.org

"My God ! It's full of stars"

On Fri, 21 Sep 2001, Gareth wrote:

> It looks like you just got slaughtered by thousands of Nimda worms then,
> if you want to check (and you still have the log) try doing a
> grep -v "root" logfilenamegoeshere |grep -v "cmd"
> which will display all the lines which don't contain root or cmd
> so it should take out most of the junk. You could also add a
> |grep -v "default.ida"
> to the end to take out codered/blue variants.
> I don't know much about logrotate but maybe it removed the logs because
> too much space was being used on the partition.
> Gareth
> ----
> On the SSHD and TELNET note, some sshd servers have lines in the ssh_config
> file which deny/allow users. Make sure you have your users in this file.
> Gareth
> > From: "Kai r. s., euroweb as" <kai@xxxxxxxxxx>
> > To: <cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Subject: SV: [cobalt-security] urgent question
> > Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 09:45:05 +0200
> > Reply-To: cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > Hi, and thanks for giving me helpful tips.
> >
> > I did not include (-9) next time i will,(thanks)
> >
> > When it comes to finding the error it was almost inposible to find
> anything
> > in a 2000 mb error log! what I could se was mostely root.exe and cmd.exe
> > errors, but there could have been like a million errors i did not have
> time
> > to see. The funny thing was that it stopped log rotating the first hours,
> > but when i came back to look for more errors later that evening the error
> > log suddentely where back to normal size? where have it all gone? This is
> > bugging my brain, and to be honest i don`t have a clue what happend. As
> you
> > proberly understand i am a newbi in linux/apache.I will be glad for any
> help
> > in pointing me the right way.
> >
> > Kai
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> cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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