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Re: [cobalt-security] Attempted inside job. A report.

Hi  Ted,

> IANAL, but this is probably illegal under your state's computer-crime
> laws.  I would guess the credit card is stolen and its owner doesn't know
> it yet.

could as well be. That's why I did not accept further orders from that 
source. However, the first charge on the credit card was made before my 
suspicion arose and the it was made in good faith into the customers proper 
legitimation and in his business conduct. For the initial setup work was done 
and services (domain name registration) had to be paid for.

>  You can judge for yourself whether a call to your local FBI field
> office is warranted.

All I got here is a violation of my TOS (the hacking attempt) and three fishy 
looking signups (which I refused to accept) from AOL with different addresses 
and credit card numbers. There was no real damage done - unless the credit 
card he gave me was not his own and for that I have no proof. If asked for I 
will fully cooperate with any legal or jurisdictional authority in the US or 
Germany (where my company resides), but I have better things to do than to 
fight windmills when it can be avoided.


With best regards,

Michael Stauber