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[cobalt-security] Attempted inside job. A report.

>I granted that request and tuned my IDS software 
>a little. Just minutes after the setup email had 
>been sent (credit card had checked out fine) I 
>got paged with the following report from my IDS 

I don't offer shell access to anyone, but MAN OH
MAN.... If I thought for a second that the credit card
info he/she gave me was legit, I'd slam that bastard
for EVERY freakin penny I could pull off that sucker! 

We had a situation last month were a customer (who had
been around for a while) tried the same in regards to
SPAM (some 30,000 messages in an hour) -we have a
policy of a $250 fee for each incident -we didn't
think twice about it! Hit them for the $250, closed
their account on the spot, and sent them on their
merry little way. We now just await their attempt at a
charge-back (which isn't going to happen as far as
we're concerned) -once they argee to our TOS and if
they try and pull that crap, KILL 'EM on the spot
-right in their pocket-book..! They'll think twice
about doing it the next time!


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