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[cobalt-security] urgent question

Hi, I have a rather urgent question.

Today my raq3i server sent a alert massage that it was having very high cpu
usage. I ran "top" and there it was 4-5 httpd ps (/usr/sbin/httpd -f
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.confthat) where using all cpu, and some of them had
been running for 3-4h. I tryed to stop the prosesses with kill pid, but they
would not go down. I needed to stop the webserver to kill them.

I am now serhing for the reasson for this (tips needed), maybe it has been a
Looking around in files and folders i found in /var/log/httpd/ a LARGE error

-rw-r--r--   1 root     root     2147 483 647 Sep 18 21:06 error  (almost
2000 mb?)

Can this be? and what can i do?

Best regards

K Schantz
euroweb as