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Re: [cobalt-security] Is this coincidence or what - FTP Scans

"Graeme Fowler" <graeme.fowler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> One of the reasons that you guys (people running webservers and the like)
> pay us (colocation or server leasing companies) is that we are staffed by
> *professionals*. Professional behaviour in a job like this means precisely
> NOT taking advantage of the power under your fingertips unless you do it
> prevent disruption of normal operations.

Graeme, I believe you have made this point here before, but it's a good one.
The real point I was trying to make is that there are a lot of *potential*
risks and that fixating on one without considering the others is a mistake.
I think you'll agree that not everyone on this list has their server(s)
hosted in an operation like yours.  You're making assumptions about the type
of data center everyone's servers are located at and the integrity, ethics
and professionalism of those that work there.  Surely the picture you paint
is more likely at a large data center with an actual staff than a single
teenager with a half-rack promoting themselves as a full data center with 24
hour support.  I do web programming, server administration and consulting
and have had clients who fall in the latter extreme.  I'm not in the mood to
play devil's advocate this morning and I just realized that's exactly what
I'm doing so I'll just leave it at that.  Caveat emptor.

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC